Fleet FYIs Podcast

Introducing: Fleet FYIs – The New Weekly Podcast from Utilimarc
Do you think you know all there is to know about the fleet industry? If the answer is no (or even yes), we think you’ll be excited about this one. From the title, you’ve probably already guessed that Utilimarc is launching a podcast – and you’d be right! We’re proud to introduce the Fleet FYIs podcast, where we’ll be covering everything you need to know about fleets in the world of business intelligence data and analytics.
From emerging technologies and alternative energy sources to fleet optimization and operational best practices- we’ll be featuring expert analysts and industry leaders to bring fresh new insights each week. This isn’t just another podcast on the world of big data. And we’re not going to be serving up content that you could just as quickly Google. Not one bit.
Fleet FYIs is a podcast run by fleet professionals, for fleet professionals – looking at unique topics and hearing from experts within the industry.
What can I expect to hear on Fleet FYIs?
With so many people on the move and a rapidly changing industry – we wanted to create a podcast for fleet professionals that covers the basics of fleet management as well as topics that dive into the nitty gritty.
Fleets operate and perform with a seemingly daily changing pace – and we wanted to create a podcast designed specifically for professionals to provide expert advice and understanding on how to best set up your fleet for success.
Whether you’re behind the desk or on the go, Utilimarc’s Fleet FYIs helps to make the managing of your fleet a little easier. You’ll be able to tune in every week for a new episode on important metrics, technologies and integrations, successful fleet management strategies, insightful analysis and all things in between.
If you have any topics that you would like for us to cover, send our content manager an email, and we’ll put it in the queue!
When can I listen to the Fleet FYIs Podcast?
Fleet FYIs officially premieres on October 1st, 2020. Following our launch date, you can expect a new episode every week on Thursdays. Show notes for the podcast will be available on our blog in case you’d like a short synopsis of the show or want to skip the streaming services altogether.
Where can I find the podcast?
Right now, you can find Fleet FYIs on most major streaming platforms – including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon’s Audible/Music streaming service.
If streaming services aren’t for you, or you don’t have an account – worry not! You can still listen to every episode of Fleet FYIs on its corresponding ‘Show Notes’ page!
Who is hosting Fleet FYIs? Will there be any guests on the show?
Fleet FYIs is currently hosted by our content manager, Gretchen Reese. Every week, she facilitates conversations with some of the industry’s finest to touch on all things surrounding the fleet industry today – data challenges, new releases, industry forecasts and more.
Can I (or someone I know) be a guest on the show?
We’d love to speak with you about appearing as a guest interviewee on Fleet FYIs. If you’re interested in becoming a guest on the show, please email our content manager for further information.
We’re really looking forward to sharing Fleet FYIs with you! Make sure you mark your calendar for October 1st to catch the first episode. If you listened to it (and loved it), share it with us on social media by using the hashtag #UtilimarcFleetFYIs