Tag: fleet analytics

One of the greatest benefits of implementing business intelligence is the ability to turn disconnected data systems into actionable insights. Once fleet data is streamlined and cleaned, BI bridges the gap between the initial point of data collection to seeing data-driven results.

Managers spend over 70 percent of their time simply trying to consolidate their data into something comprehensible, leaving barely any time for drawing actionable insights from this data, in addition to carrying out all their other duties.

A dashboard connects all of your data streams and sources but spares you the headache of connecting each source of data yourself.

Building Upon its Benchmarking and Fleet Analytics Products, Utilimarc Launches the First Fully-Integrated BI Platform with AEP, Intren, United EP, and Ameren as Early Adopters.

Our customers demand the best. We consistently strive to make fleet management simple, clear and effective. We want every customer to derive the most valuable insights from every data point at their disposal.

he report analyzed changes in upper level fleets in North America and studied the offerings of 10 private companies and seven public companies offering technology to meet that need, positioning Utilimarc among the leaders.

Utilimarc, a leading provider of business intelligence software for fleets, announced the launch of its new Fleet Analytics application early this morning.