Get better ROI for the technology you invest in.

EV Data Connections

With growing pressure to go green, we’re helping our customers make the transition to alternative fuels and electric vehicles when suitable for their organization. Within our platform, you can monitor carbon emissions, track energy usage and charging events, fuel consumption and total EV percentage.

Key Reports

  • GHG Emissions
  • Charge Events

  • MPG-E
  • Fleet EV %

Common Integrations

Telematics Data Connections

We know that improving route performance, GPS tracking, driver safety and increased efficiency are important to you – which is why we’ve created data connectors with industry-leading telematics providers and OEM integrations to provide a seamless transfer and ingestion of data. Our analysts standardize and clean your data sources to provide key insights to improve the cost-efficiency of your fleet and other pieces of equipment.

Key Reports

  • Field Time vs Work Time
  • IFTA

  • Critical Fault Code
  • Utilization 

Third Party Data Connections

OEM Integrations

Fleet Management Systems Data Connections

Fleet management information systems (FMIS) and fleet management companies (FMC) exist to help your organization manage key aspects of a fleet’s operation. As a pivotal source of data for your fleet, helping you understand vehicle availability and downtime, vehicle work order data, preventative maintenance and staffing. We’ve built connections with key aggregators that are commonly used throughout the various fleet industries today that unlock invaluable reporting on utilization, fleet rightsizing, replacement and vehicle lifecyle analysis.

Key Reports

  • Vehicle Availability
  • PM Compliance

  • Repair Time Standards
  • Fleet EV %

Third Party Data Connections

Fuel Card Data Connections

The Utilimarc Platform can help you reduce your overall spend and increase fuel efficiency by tracking transaction data, benchmarking consumption and year over year fuel cost, monitor vehicle performance and protect your organization from fraud through key integrations with common fuel card integrations.

Key Reports

  • Fuel Transaction Validation
  • Fuel Consumption Benchmark

  • Fraud Prevention

Third Party Data Connections

Drive Cameras Data Connections

Dash Cameras (otherwise known as Drive Cameras) are growing in popularity for fleet managers looking for better reporting on driver behavior and safety incident reduction. Our data connections with industry-leading AI dash cameras allows you to protect your drivers in real-time, prevent safety incidents before they happen and coach your drivers on the road to improve driving habits.

Key Reports

  • Safety Scoring

  • Drive Camera Data

Third Party Data Connections

Enterprise Resource Planning Data Connections

Our layer of technology on top of existing data sources creates analytical stability and an immediate nimbleness, for real-time feedback and decision making. We connect with top ERP systems by sending our clients’ data to their preferred provider – syncing with their data on a minute-by-minute basis for garage to executive-level management.

Third Party Data Connections

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