Fleet Trends

Is your fleet in-tune with industry trends?

Our reports and customizable dashboards allow you to see your fleet’s financials, fleet mix makeup, costs and maintenance trends compared against leading industry peers.



Financials Report

Track your costs overtime against industry averages.

How does it work?

Compare your year over year and total costs against the current benchmarking participants across key categories.

What to look for

Break down and compare your financial trends by:

  • Ownership Cost (Leasing, rentals, licensing, interest and depreciation)
  • Operating Cost (Mechanic labor, parts and fuel)
  • Support Cost (Expenses related to management and support staff, facilities and supplies)
  • Total Cost (The sum of the ownership, operating and support cost categories)

The Payoff:

Make better, more well-informed decisions for the future in your key spending categories.

“…This data helps us optimize our financials and set goals for the coming year.”

Kyle Jones — Director of Fleet Services
Consumers Energy


Fleet Mix Makeup

Breaking down your fleet vehicle mix by class and comparing to your peers.

How does it work?

Compare your fleet makeup in all class categories against the industry. 

What to look for

This report details your fleet assets, year over year trends and unit counts.

The Payoff:

Understand where you stand in terms of unit counts in key categories and annual trends.

Your data trends applied.

Read our latest articles showing how we’ve used fleet data trends to help our clients.


Fleet Cost

Gain deeper insights into how your budget is spent.

How does it work?

This report details total costs by ownership, operating and support costs across your organization by category, class, and individual units.

What to look for

Compare your costs by year, units, category, and percentage total against your industry.

The Payoff:

Breakdown your total fleet cost for a detailed look at where your budget is being spent, and where adjustments could be made.


Maintenance Trends

Breaking down the vehicles in your fleet by age and maintenance cost per asset.

How does it work?

The Fleet Maintenance report details the cost for maintaining fleet assets based on age and how it compares to industry averages.

What to look for

Compare the following metrics by vehicle age against your peers:

  • Total cost per unit
  • Unit count
  • Cost per mile
  • Cost per gallon

The Payoff:
  • See where you’re maintenance practices are behind or outperforming the industry
  • Better understand how your fleet’s age influences your vehicle costs

What can your data trends tell you?

With data-backed insights and the solution we provide, no longer will you be guessing on day-to-day decisions. The Utilimarc platform helps you create a smarter future for your fleet in the short and the long term, with anticipated cost projections, vehicle replacement dates and foreseeable wrench-turning hours.

Working with our customers, we’ve built a business intelligence platform that delivers reliable insights and answers to the challenges they face.